It seems that through some error of mine, I have lost 38 posts. My WordPress site broke, so I had to reinstall, and I couldn’t find a way to save the database, at that point. I haven’t lost the texts (which I keep in Scrivener), but I’ve lost some posts on the blog.

I had a backup, from over a month ago, so I was able to restore the site and many posts, but not your subscriber email addresses. So please re-subscribe.

The backup could only restore posts that were written before September 10. (Good lesson in this; quite apart from the lessons about uncertainty, contingency, and transiency! Backup regularly. Losses don’t happen regularly, but they do happen. It’s like cancer, in that respect.) Overnight, I’ll look for a solution to restoring the record.

My paternal grandmother, when we were up against some unmovable fact of reality, would say “There you go…” with a half-smile and a sense of: “And, on life goes, just the same…” I can hear her now, bless her.